Sunday, 5 August 2012

What Room 7 gets up to during a rainy lunchtime!

Hepata made a fantastic structure using geometric clever-sticks. He was able to make it move up and down like a tractor. Very creative!

Ayla, Maia, Nicole, Emily, and Caitlin are posing as the main characters from our novel we are currently reading in class called "The Five Masks of Dr Screem" written by R.L.Stine.

They also performed a play to the class to retell what has happened so far in the story. Video coming soon.
Watch this space!

Ayla is Bella. Caitlin and Maia play Monica and Peter. Nicole is the evil Dr Screem. Jade plays the old woman who lives next door. Lorenzo and Jaymie are wearing 2 of the 5 masks.


  1. ohhhhh was that on funky friday.

    1. Hi Taiana!
      It was on Thursday I think. We have some dress up clothes in class that we use for drama.

  2. That structure looks pretty cool!

  3. wow Maia Ayla Nicole Emily.D and Caitlin!

  4. Mrs Dodd
    peter LOVES his candy don't you think Mrs Dodd?

    1. Peter, the character, sure loves his candy. I wonder if he'll have any left over after throwing it at the prayer mantis? We'll have to read on to find out. :-) R.L.Stine is so good at keeping us guessing all the time don't you think?

  5. Hi mrs dodd,I think every one in the class thinks I look funny.

    1. I think you did a fabulous job of acting the part of Dr Screem! I think we might need to do it again soon.
