Friday, 17 August 2012

The Baking Soda Vinegar Volcano Experiment

On Wednesday afternoon Room 7 observed the baking soda and vinegar volcano experiment. We wrote down what we noticed happened. Watch the video below to see what happens.

What is the science behind this experiment?
The baking soda is a base while the vinegar is an acid. When they react together they form carbonic acid which is very unstable, it instantly breaks apart into water and carbon dioxide, which creates all the fixing as it escapes the solution.

What you'll need:
Baking soda
A container to hold everything
Paper towels or a cloth

Place some of the baking soda into container.
Pour in some of the vinegar
Watch what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Wow pretty cool.I heard mr Kalam come into the room and he saw the volcano and he sounded like he was pretty impressed so well done rm7
