Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Olympic Athletes!

Ruma Whitu looked at some interesting Olympics photos of athletes. 
Our focus today was to imagine what the athlete was thinking and feeling. 
We had to use describing words that were interesting or use our five senses to enhance our writing.

Room 7 wrote this piece as a class first as a practice.
Wow! I  think I deserve a gold medal. I'm excited because I am in the Olympics Games. After all that running I feel pooped. I feel excited exhilarated.
We decided to get a thesaurus and change the word 'excited' to 'exhilarated'. 

Wow! I can lift two giant weights. I was very excited when I lift the big giant weights. I was very happy. I jump high in the sky and screamed.
By Lorenzo.

"Aahhh". I lost. I'm going home with no medal. I'm exhausted from playing that tennis. My face is really sweaty. Boom boom. My heart beats. Sweat dripping down my face coming in my mouth. Staring at my competitor. Smelling his victory noooo. 
By Ayla.


  1. These are all pretty good pieces of writing

  2. I love Ayla's explanation of the tennis player. Some very descriptive words. I love the way she's really searched to see how he's feeling from his body language, but also what's happening to him physically with the sweat dripping down his face into his mouth. Some excellent writing all round. Well done room 7.

    From Mrs. Dodd's friend, Jess T-M ;)

  3. I am impressed with the descriptive writing from class 7....I loved the watching the Olympics too....especially the diving and gymnastics...

  4. wow ayla i like your piece of writing
