Friday, 31 August 2012

Emily's Ballet Exam!

Hi, my name is Emily and I just did my ballet exam a while ago. This was the 29th of August, Wednesday.
I got the results and I looked on the card. It had a 65 which meant that I passed. I got a merit! I am holding the exam results and the certificate has been signed by the people that were there. I got a red medal that said Royal Dance Academy in Primary. 

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Reading with the Emerald Group.

Emerald group read the journal story, Time for a Spell by David Hill. They were then inspired to design their own alien invasions including what the aliens look like and what weapons they possess. 

Campbell says, "they have a weapon that will shrink people and suck them up."
Nicole's invasion plan

Caitlin's invasion plan
Campbell's invasion plan
Ayshia's invasion plan
Ashlee's invasion plan

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Update on the Baking Soda Volcano Experiment.

During the week, Room 7 split up into groups to make their own baking soda volcanoes. We wanted to see what would happen if we added more vinegar. We decided that the more vinegar we added, the more the volcano expanded and eventually overflowed. When we stopped adding the vinegar, the volcano went back down again. 
We are very clever scientists and recorded what happened in our SPARKS books too.

Friday Fun!

We had such a fun afternoon in Room 7! We learned how to make fruit kebabs and the Maori names for each fruit. We used bananas, oranges, grapes, and pineapple. We also added marshmallows as a treat! 
Do you know the Maori names for these fruits? 


After our fruit kebabs, we went outside to play games such as elastics, throwing rugby balls to each other and sack racing, and even Mrs Dodd joined in too! 

Jelly Babies!

During the week Maia brought jelly babies to school. They come in lots of different colours. When you buy them, you need to put them in water straight away. They can grow bigger and bigger. They feel slimy, soft and squishy!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Cross Country

Good luck to the Middle and Senior school children competing in the cross country on Thursday. 

There are several children who are 8 years old from room 7 who are competing at Swarbrick Park at 9am tomorrow. They will be completing 2 laps of the field. Children who are 7 years old and younger will compete in the Junior School cross country in week 9.

Friday, 17 August 2012

The Baking Soda Vinegar Volcano Experiment

On Wednesday afternoon Room 7 observed the baking soda and vinegar volcano experiment. We wrote down what we noticed happened. Watch the video below to see what happens.

What is the science behind this experiment?
The baking soda is a base while the vinegar is an acid. When they react together they form carbonic acid which is very unstable, it instantly breaks apart into water and carbon dioxide, which creates all the fixing as it escapes the solution.

What you'll need:
Baking soda
A container to hold everything
Paper towels or a cloth

Place some of the baking soda into container.
Pour in some of the vinegar
Watch what happens!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Floral Art Creations

Today we started working on our Agricultural art project. We carefully looked at pictures of flowers and drew what we think we saw. 

Our focus today was to practice the way we drew the form of the shapes. We also practiced using lines to create different textures. We found that this helped us to notice the little details like shadows and the shape of the pollen. Here are some photos of our work.

Chaotic Magic Milk!

Room 7 wrote this piece as a class first as a practice.
We were learning how to use interesting words in our writing.
Oh my gosh, colours spinning around. What a catastrophe! Oh no, it looks like the world is breaking apart. Green, yellow, red. All those colours swirling around. 

Wow. The colour in the plate is colourful when the colours spin. They spin like a tornado. Some look like a brain. It looks wonderful.
By Hepata.


Magic Colours
Swirl swirl. Around goes the colours. All of the colours spread all around. Green, red, and blue. Shapes and sizes, halves and wholes, all those wonderful shapes. It looks so colourful like a colourful tornado. Do you think it does?
By Ayshia. 

My oh my, what a mess!
All those colours spinning, swirling around and around. 
It looks like your in the middle of a tornado.
The colours (blue and red) transform into one colour, dark red. 
This is really awesome. 
By Campbell.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Room 7's Writers Blog

Room 7 now has a new writers blog. You can find it by clicking on the link at the top left side of the page.

On this blog you will be able to read all the stories posted by Room 7 students.
The purpose of the writers blog is for Room 7 to share their writing with others and get helpful and honest feedback.
We need to remember to be respectful and kind of the author and their feelings.

Awesome Buddy Readers!

Room 7 and Room 18 are buddy classes. On Fridays we meet to catch up, share and support one another with our learning. This week we spent time getting to know our buddy and reading to each other. 
Here are some photos of us reading together.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Olympic Writing

Here is another great piece of writing.

Zoom! Sprinting past the other runners like a lightning bolt. 3 more laps to go around the track. Worrying that the other players would pass. My face sweating hard, I can taste my hot sweat. "Campbell has won the race!" The speaker said. The crowd went wild. My heart racing, I felt so impressed. 
By Campbell.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Olympic Athletes!

Ruma Whitu looked at some interesting Olympics photos of athletes. 
Our focus today was to imagine what the athlete was thinking and feeling. 
We had to use describing words that were interesting or use our five senses to enhance our writing.

Room 7 wrote this piece as a class first as a practice.
Wow! I  think I deserve a gold medal. I'm excited because I am in the Olympics Games. After all that running I feel pooped. I feel excited exhilarated.
We decided to get a thesaurus and change the word 'excited' to 'exhilarated'. 

Wow! I can lift two giant weights. I was very excited when I lift the big giant weights. I was very happy. I jump high in the sky and screamed.
By Lorenzo.

"Aahhh". I lost. I'm going home with no medal. I'm exhausted from playing that tennis. My face is really sweaty. Boom boom. My heart beats. Sweat dripping down my face coming in my mouth. Staring at my competitor. Smelling his victory noooo. 
By Ayla.

Chaos Theory Science Experiment!

Whoa! Today Ruma Whitu observed a new science experiment this week! Check out our photos below. 
All you need for this experiment is room temperature milk, dish washing liquid, food colouring, and a bowl.

 When you add in the dish washing liquid, the colours in the milk start moving around the bowl really fast. Campbell said, "it looked like a tornado." All the colours mixed together.

What is the science behind this experiment? 
Why did the colours mix together and move so fast?

This activity teaches the concept of chaos. 
The dish washing liquid has two different ends. One end likes water and one end likes fat. The dish washing liquid moves through the milk  with one end looking for fat and the other looking for water. On their chase through the milk the dish washing liquid molecules stir up the food colouring and that is why you see the colours mixing and moving together.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

What Room 7 gets up to during a rainy lunchtime!

Hepata made a fantastic structure using geometric clever-sticks. He was able to make it move up and down like a tractor. Very creative!

Ayla, Maia, Nicole, Emily, and Caitlin are posing as the main characters from our novel we are currently reading in class called "The Five Masks of Dr Screem" written by R.L.Stine.

They also performed a play to the class to retell what has happened so far in the story. Video coming soon.
Watch this space!

Ayla is Bella. Caitlin and Maia play Monica and Peter. Nicole is the evil Dr Screem. Jade plays the old woman who lives next door. Lorenzo and Jaymie are wearing 2 of the 5 masks.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Lava in a Cup!

Today Room 7 learned what it was like to be scientist!
We talked about what science is and decided that science is about doing things like creating, discovering new things, designing, experiencing and making things!
Today we got to experience the Lava in a Cup experiment. 

We had questions like:
Why did the oil float on the top of the water? 
Why did the salt sink to the bottom? 
Why did the oil bubble up to the top?

Well, here is the science behind it:
Oil floats on top of the water because it is lighter than water. The salt is heavier than oil so it sinks down into the water and takes some oil with it. However, then the salt dissolves and back up goes the oil! 

Ingredients that we used today include: oil, water, food colouring (red), and salt.