Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Stick Sculpture Creations!

Here are some really awesome stick sculptures Room 7 made! We went outside for 10 minutes and grabbed as much as we could find and carry. We then created stick sculptures out of the materials we found on the ground outside.
Please enjoy!
Which one is your favourite?


Art Exhibition!

Today the whole Year 3 Middle Syndicate held their own classroom Art Exhibitions. It was a success! Every piece of artwork was for sale and it was exciting to have special guests come to see our art. Please enjoy the art work below.

We have been learning about Matariki in class. We decided to show others what Matariki means to us through our own artwork creations and then hold an Art Exhibit to display the art.

We needed to make sure we completed tasks along the way such as:
  • Make a plan of our art.
  • Make a draft copy of our artwork.
  • Complete a final piece of art in time for the Art Exhibition.
  • Choose a title for our artwork.
  • Write a story about our artwork.
  • Choose a frame for our artwork.

Spelling Bee

Yesterday the Middle Syndicate held the Spelling Bee competition. Congratulations to the Year 3 and 4 winners! It was a fantastic effort from the finalists!

A big congratulations to Krista and Campbell for participating in the Spelling Bee. They were selected to represent Room 7 and they both did a great job. Well done!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Who did Maia meet?

During the week Maia and her sister Cora went to a restaurant for dinner and they met someone famous!!!!!

They got to meet The All Blacks Captain, Ritchie McCaw. The All Blacks are in Hamilton at the moment getting ready for their next game.

Good luck All Blacks!!!!!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Art Exhibition Ideas

Today we used Wallwisher to post our ideas about Art Exhibitions. We also got stuck into our final copies of our art. We found this so easy because we had spent time planning out our artwork beforehand.

Please feel free to add to the wall by double clicking anywhere on the wall.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Matariki Art Exhibition Challenge!

This week we had a special guest visit us to talk about Matariki.

Tracey gave our classroom a challenge: complete a piece of artwork about what Matariki means to us and to display it in our own art exhibition. We will have to plan, prepare a draft of the artwork, as well as a final piece ready for the art exhibition in 2 weeks time! 

We get to choose what the artwork will look like and what it is made out of. 

What ideas do you have?
How could you represent Matariki in a piece of artwork?

Sunday, 3 June 2012


We are learning about Matariki and what it means to us. There are different ways to celebrate Matariki and there are many stories about Matariki. To learn more about Matariki please watch these two videos. They tell us about how Matariki began and what it means.

What does Matariki mean to you?
What do you know about Matariki?