Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Student Led Conferences!

This week is a very important week for all the learners at Frankton School. Each student will be holding a Student Led Conference at school. Room 7's Student Led Conferences are on Thursday evening. It is a very special time for each student to spend with their family talking about their learning journeys.

We have been preparing for this by practising and role playing parts of a Student Led Conference. Enjoy our videos below. In these videos we are role playing how to introduce our parents to our teacher.


  1. Hi Room 7,
    We liked the way you were practicing introducing your parents to your teacher. You spoke loudly and clearly. We like how you didn't use lots of um's and ah's. We are learning to deliver speeches to our class at the moment and we start them next week, so we know what it is like to speak to an audience. How did your conferences go?
    From Room 11
    Vardon School

  2. Hi to Room 11!
    Our student led conferences went really well. They were fun because our parents enjoyed listening to us share our learning and our goals.
    Do you have a student led conference at your school?

  3. Hi Room 7,
    Yes we do have student led conferences later in the year but we share it with our learning logs. Learning logs are big books with lots of our learning in it. We have got tags with different sections in our learning logs so it is split into maths, reading, writing, other (reflections, sport, speeches etc) at the front we share our Golden Rules and how to be powerful learners. Do you guys have learning logs?
    From Room 11
