Monday, 21 November 2011

Frankton's Got Talent Videos of Room 7

Welcome to Week 5! 

We have uploaded video's below of Frankton's Got Talent from Room 7. The talent includes a beautiful song sung by Olivia and the Middle School 1st place finalists Kyla and Grace singing and rapping in a song together.


  1. Hello Room 7, I hope you are having an interesting term learning some cool stuff with Mrs Dodd. I really love your site, especially the fishies. I have been very busy getting my house ready to sell, doing lots of cleaning and painting. Yuck! I miss you all very much.
    Keep smiling.
    From Mrs Telfer.

  2. Hello Mrs Telfer,
    We have missed you while you have been gone. I hope that the house you are buying will be nice. We like you so much.(from Ry-Lee)
    You must be busy then if you are tidying up your house and that your daughter is very happy. (From Emily D.) Has your daughter had her baby yet? Is she alright? (From Elias)
    Where in Hamilton are you moving? (Nicole).
    We are very thankful that you were teaching us last term.
    I hope you have a good time.
    Love from Room 7. :-)

  3. Hello room 7, I did blog you last week but somehow it didn't get to you so sorry about that. I have been reading about cicadas this week and found out that only the male cicadas do the singing and chirping. That made me wonder what the female cicadas are doing at that time? What do you think they might be doing?

    1. They might be laying eggs says Emily D.
      Maia says that they might be so tired from all the work they do, they might be having a rest.
      Caitlin says they are having their hiding time from other cicadas.

    2. Emily, Maia and Caitlin I think that they are all excellent ideas about the Cicadas.
      Well we sold our house and now we are looking for a new house to live in. I think that I would like to live in a castle but I cant find one in Hamilton.
      We have 4 weeks to wait now for our new grand daughter to be born and it is getting very exciting now!!!
      I read in the paper this morning that 'Lonesome George' the oldest Galapagos Islands Giant Tortoise who was over 100 years old has died so that was a bit sad.
      Do you think you would like to live to be over 100 years old?
