We are a class of Awesome Year 3 children at Frankton School in Hamilton, New Zealand. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning during the year with others. Click on the different learning areas to find out more information about what we are learning.
Back and forth, back and forth we go. Carrying desk tote trays to another room is exhausting. The desks were heavy, filled with loads of stuff. We're moving to Room 3 because Mrs Dodd is in Room 3 next year. We are getting ready for next year and we helped Mrs Dodd carry all the tote trays to the new room. It took a long time, but we finished!
Here are some words to describe how we feel about our new room;
We still have an interactive whiteboard.
We have Room 2 (empty space) next door to us.
It's a newer room. It was built last year in 2011.
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